Olympus mju zoom 105 |
My collection of film cameras has grow again, this time with an Olympus mju zoom 105. This one was 'found' in the back of a cupboard indoors.
The camera came out in 1995, which is probably when we bought it, and it did get a lot of use until we bought our first digital camera.
Its DX coded from 50-3200 which means I can easily shoot with a nice fast film and shutter speeds range from up to 1/500.
When I found it, it already had a roll of film in it and the counter showed 2 plus I could see that it was 24 exp 200 iso but apart from that I knew nothing else about the film.
I took the camera out yesterday to look toi finish up the roll and see about getting it developed, although the counter showed 2 is was totally wrong as I only managed 5 or 6 shots before it started to rewind.
To my surprise when opening the camera I found the the film inside was a roll of Colorama. As far as I remember, this was given as a free roll every time you had a film developed at the chemist.
So I have no idea how long that film has been in the camera and apart from the 5-6 shots I took yesterday, what else is on the roll. Only time will tell if the film is any good or not.
As for the camera itself, all looks to be working fine and give my another oprion for shooting film.
Talking of film; I also picked up 3 rolls of Lomography 400 colour negative film for the next One Film outing in March.
400 |