Sunday, 5 April 2020

Update time

I managed to shoot a second roll of 120 in the Coronet for February and surprisingly I got some better images, I think I'm starting get use to it and I even managed 8 images from this roll.

Tuba Player

Burn in Hell

Although you can seen some light leaks in the first image, I think was because the roll wasn't very tight when I finished the roll and I think light seeped in because of that.

The second month of shooting and I decided to shot with a Kodak Brownie Twin 20, this camera shots 120 film but on a 620 spool, so this meant either buying 620 re-rolled film (which is quite expensive) or try rolling some myself.

Kodak Brownie Twin-20

 The way I went about this was to roll a 120 film in the Coronet and then take that into a changing bag and roll back onto a 620 spool, this worked out fairly well but the two rolls I did this to did end up been a little fat, so I was expecting to get so light leaks.

As for the camera, it is a little strange in that it has a normal eye viewer and also a waist level viewer but to be honest I found it to small to be of any real use. This camera also has 3 zone focusing modes, 4-6ft, 6-12ft, 12-infinity it also has a switch marked 13,14, 15 which adjusts the aperture. Although for some reason with the switch to 13 (the widest aperture) the shutter speed was very slow, not quite bulb but around the 1 second mark, so I decided that leaving it on 14 would be the best option.

The camera also is designed to stop you taking double exposures, so when take a picture you have to roll on, to re-set the shutter. Now I don't know whether it was because I re-rolled the film but after shot 3 the numbers in the red window show and it was always slightly out of sync.

After shooting the first roll, I realise that either the camera wasn't all that sharp or I'm not very good at shooting at slow shutter speed as most images were blurred or at least very soft.

Street shooting with slow shutter speeds


Between the first and second roll, C-virus hit, so this has put a limit on where I was shooting.

Although I like the form factor of this camera, small and discrete, I not sure I will use it again, as I'm not overly happy will the images it produces.

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